ICTCORE is open source unified communications framework for developers and integrators to rapidly develop ICT based applications using their existing development skills. By using ICTCORE, developer can create communication based applications such as Auto attendant, Fax to Email, Click to Call etc.. they can program custom business logic that can control incoming and outgoing communication instances.

ICTCORE having primary focus on integrated and automated communications. ICTCORE goal is to be a common server-side software / back-end for CTI (computer telephony integration) related projects. Further as a framework it can be extended to develop new communication solution and services using user’s existing development skills and infrastructure.

ICTCORE is a PHP and Linux based service application which support multiple gateway interfaces like Freeswitch, Kannel and Sendmail further it offers inbound and outbound transmissions for voice, fax, sms and email. However main feature of ICTCORE is its unified way of integration which allow different kind of services to interact with each other, for example a message can trigger a call or an inbound fax can be forwarded over email.


Truly unified communications framework

ICTCore allow developers to use multiple communication methods / services like Call, FAX, Messaging or Email, plus it also allow them to integrate these services with each other, like SMS notification after each call or email to fax.

  • ICTCore cover all major communication methods
  • Allow integration between different kind of communication methods
  • Uses unified terminology and share-able resources for all its services

Scenario based automation

ICTCore have builtin support for few most commonly used scenarios, However ICTCore architecture allow developers to easily implement their own custom scenarios and requirements.

  • Flexible programs and logic to allow custom scenario
  • Uses one program per scenario approach
  • Various builtin programs for common scenarios
  • Complete activity and result log for reporting purpose
  • APIs and developer guide to build new program for custom scenarios

Easy to extend

ICTCore is build for developers, ICTCore allows developers to

  • Introduce new program and scenarios or modify the existing one
  • Add support for new software switch, pbx and gateways
  • Develop completely new communication methods

Ready to use

  • Third party termination / origination support
  • RPM based installation


Currently ICTCore binaries are available for CentOs 6 and 7, To install ICTCore you need a freshly installed server and then you can instruction mentioned in following. If you are looking for source code you can find it at github ICTCore: Open Source Unified Communications Framework

First of all we need to install ict and epel repositories

for centos 7

rpm -Uvh 'https://service.ictinnovations.com/repo/7/ict-release-7-4.el7.centos.noarch.rpm'  
yum install epel-release  

for CentOs 6 also install Freeswitch repository

rpm -Uvh 'http://service.ictinnovations.com/repo/6/ict-release-6-2.noarch.rpm'  
rpm -Uvh 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm'  
rpm -Uvh 'http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-release-1-0.noarch.rpm'  
  1. Install ICTCore
    yum update
    yum install ictcore ictcore-voice ictcore-fax ictcore-email
  2. Create a new database and database user for ictcore
  3. Initiate / populate newly created database using scripts from /usr/ictcore/db/*
  4. Update /etc/ictcore.conf and /etc/odbc.ini for database access
  5. Restart HTTP / Apache server

Getting started

Following is an example about sending fax by using ICTCore

// prepare a program with fax document
$programData = array('file_name' => '/some/pdf/file.pdf');
$faxProgram = new Sendfax(null, array('data' => $programData));

// create a transmission
$contact_id = 12;
$account_id = 1;
$faxTransmission = faxProgram->transmission_create($contact_id, $account_id);

// schedule transmission 
$faxTransmission->schedule(array('delay' => 3600)); // in seconds

// or dispatch immediately


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working hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed